
Friday, 11 May 2012

My Opinion on Gay Marriage

Greetings earthlings,

     I know I haven't blogged in a while and I have a lot of updates but right now there is only one thing I want to talk about. Gay marriage.

     As you may or may not know, this week North Carolina just banned gay marriage. And I am furious. I am frustrated to the point there are currently tears coming out of my eyes. I want to walk to the United States and punch whoever voted for the ban of gay marriage straight in the face. I want to scream. Because this isn't even a question of marriage rights, it's a question of human rights. And that's just wrong.

     A lot of you may already be leaving this blog post, because you may not agree with me, or because I'm just a kid. But this is just stupid. We are living in the 21st Century. This shouldn't even be an issue. Why should some Americans have more rights than others? It's pathetic. So hear what I have to say. Some people are wondering why gays even have to get married. Why can't they just have a ceremonial type thing? And that point is completely irrelevant. Marriage is not a privilege, it is a right. That's a fact. And what is going to happen if you allow these people to get married? A war? An invasion? The Ice Age?!? Nothing. Absolutely nothing is going to happen except that gay people will get married. This quote just furthers my point:

Ask yourself what you are worried about if same-sex marriage is legalized. Whatever your answer is, ask yourself if you really believe what you just came up with. Homosexuality is not going to spread. It is not communicable. Society is not going to turn into a Lady Gaga video. Most gay couples I know are just as boring as you and I. They sit on the couch and watch television. They work at the post office, the hospital, the grocery store, and at real estate agencies, just like heterosexuals do. They eat out at restaurants and shop at Target. Many have pot bellies and don’t have much fashion sense, just like me. They own pets, and go to church. They volunteer, sing Christmascarols, and buy Girl Scout cookies. What are you afraid of? What is going to change by allowing these people to commit to one another and enjoy the benefits that you and I enjoy: tax breaks, insurance breaks, bereavement leave, medical leave to care for a sick partner, domestic violence protection, visitation of partner in the hospital, burial determination, medical decisions on behalf of partner. Really sexy stuff. You and I take these things for granted. Nobody wants to go through life not knowing how they will deal with some of these difficult moments in life. Imagine if you were denied any of the above rights when the time came for you and your spouse to exercise that right? I’ll tell you what it would feel like. It would feel like you were a second-class citizen.

     I can not even imagine how this sort of thing is allowed. Can you imagine the kind of outrage there would be if a country banned mixed sex marriage? This is the exact same thing! And yet still people believe it will ruin our children, when in reality this is not even the slightest bit true. Watch this video, and tell me if this boy seems in the least bit troubled or deprived because his parents were lesbian:

     And this photo, do these kids look at all depressed because they're dads are gay? No. The answer is no.

     It's just completely outrageous to me that some people have lower human rights than others because of something they can't control. It isn't their choice. And it's aggravating that people are so naive. If you don't think there is any meaning to what I am saying, take a look at this conversation:

  • Straight person: I support gay rights.
  • Ignorant person: Gay.
  • Straight person: No, I think you misunderstood, I am heterosexual, but I don't see anything wrong with people who aren't the same as me, I think they deserve the same respect as the rest of us.
  • Ignorant person: Faggot. You're going to hell.
  • Straight person: Okay cool, brb gonna go kick a dog.
  • Ignorant person: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? It's just a dog it's not hurting anybody, why are you being so cruel to it?
  • Straight person: Oh lol wow didn't know you were a dog. Freak...
  • Ignorant person: I'm not a dog...
  • Straight person: Well obviously you are, why else would you being trying to stand up for dogs if you're not a dog?
  • Ignorant person: Wow, don't you know you can stand up for something without being it?
  • Straight person:
  • Ignorant person: Oh
      And try to imagine this: You've found the love of your life, and you're about to get you're marriage license, when suddenly the police show up and arrest you for marrying the love of your life. Outrageous right? Well these things are happening. They're happening right in front of us and still they ban gay marriage! This is a photo of a woman who was arrested for seeking a marriage license with her lesbian partner:

     Well, this is all I have to say on the matter. Some of you still might be ignoring me, or laughing because I'm only fourteen, and some of you are maybe thinking I shouldn't care, because I'm straight. But this affects all of us. And if you are just sitting there accepting that the world is a cruel place and moving on. STOP IT. Go do something about it. Even if it's just raising awareness with a blog post, like me. Everything counts. If you still don't think what I'm saying has any meaning at all, watch this video, please:

Things need to change,

PS - This blog post was not made to attack a certain group or cause any harm, but I have an opinion and feel a need to share it. 

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