So, I'm guessing from my title "Unicorns, Nerdfighters, and Wizard Rock" some of you have had some speculation as to what a Nerdfighter really is. Well, ponder no further, because for today's blog, I'm going to teach you of the basic knowledge of Nerdfighteria.
The official definition of a Nerfighter, or at least what I gathered from Urban Dictionary " People who instead of being made up of cells and organs and stuff are actually made of awesome. They fight decepticons on behalf of Nerds everywhere"
Nerdfighters, despite what you might think, are not people who fight nerds, they are nerds that fight worldsuck, which is, according to Hank Green, "the amount of suck in the world". The general motto and initialism for Nerfighteria is DFTBA, which stands for Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

"Am I too young, old, fat, skinny, weird, cool, pretty, handsome, tall, dead, to be a nerdfighter?"
NOPE. In the words of John Green "If you want to be a Nerdfighter, you are a Nerdfighter."
Well, thanks for enduring that brief history of Nerfighteria, if you want to know more:
Watch this video:
Or visit this website:
That's for now guys! More to come later!
Olivia :D
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