So today I wanted to talk to y'all about this supermegafoxyawesomehot website I discovered called Tab For A Cause. Essentially, it's a non-profit organisation which, after quickly installing the system for free, allow you to chose a charity, and every time (or two, or four..) you open a tab, a certain amount of money is donated to the charity you chose!
At first, I was certain there was going to be some sort of catch. Like I would get billed or spammed or get viruses after installing, but after doing more research I discovered Tab For a Cause is absolutely free. The way they make their money is with advertisements that appear each time you open the tab, and 100% of the profits from those advertisements go to the charity.

If you want to participate, just go to http://www.tabforacause.org/ and start making a difference! Yay!
Olivia :D
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