
Friday, 23 December 2011

Television Obsessions

Greetings Earthlings,

     Peoples, let's get serious, do you ever have those television shows you just can't stop watching? I do. But before I get into my current obsession, I will talk to you about previous obsessions and how I stopped being obsessed.

1. Pushing Daisies: I swear if that show was still on I would never turn the the television. It was the most amazing show ever. But it got cancelled...Grr.

2. Flash Forward: I wasn't huge on this show but it was one of those guilty pleasures I couldn't resist. It also got cancelled, and that one bothered me since it was during a crucial part of the series, whatever.

3. Glee: I liked Glee for a while, then I realized how utterly terrible that show is. I'll admit though, I do like the first season, but then I watched the episodes too many times and stuffz.

4. Castle: Castle was probably my best obsession, and I still love that show, don't get me wrong. I'm just not obsessed  any more and the reason for that is Emma. After I realized the potential amazingness of the series I introduced it to Emma, who consequently showed it to every other person she knew while I was there and I saw every episode too many times. Then I got sad, new episodes are good though.

5. Firefly: Okay, how could anyone not like Firefly? Nathan Fillion, cowboys in space? It's amazing. I got sad when it was cancelled, but happy when it was on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest you do.

And now for my current obsession: Community. I absolutely love it, especially the paintball episodes. They're amazing, I especially like Troy and Abed, but the cast is so strong it's hard to choose. Anyways, almost done the second season and moving on to the third! Woo!

Okay, that's everything. Maybe in the future I'll make a list of my favourite television shows!!

Olivia :D

PS: It's Christmas eve as of 18 minutes ago! WOO!


1 comment:

  1. i told u that ud <3 community but NO! you didnt listen until 1 year l8r. JK Livi Pie. ILY!
