
Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Interrup-Hi!-tions (and a message for Alicia)

Greetings earthlings,

      I posted like thirty seconds ago, but whatever. Best. Photo. Ever.

      In other news. Alicia has the most amazing voice ever. She sings like songbirds on an early afternoon. Her voice is not unlike that of  an angel. And when she sings even the cows stop to enjoy the sweet melody. 

There Alicia. Now leave me alone. 

Olivia :) 


Greetings earthlings,

     Well, you must be confused. It's understandable. I haven't blogged in a while. And if you don't read Emma's blog you wouldn't know why. Well, before we get into that, firstly let me just say: go read Emma's blog now. Seriously. Do it know. Okay, now I'll tell you why I was gone.

     So I broke my laptop. Like  full out dropped it to it's un-timely death. It's still getting repaired, I'm writing this blog post during English class (I finished my poem early) but that's besides the point. All that matters is it sucks. So that's why I didn't blog. I should be getting my computer back soon.

     Woah. I just figured out I can synch my e-mail to google chrome and then I get my bookmarks and backround and such. It's like I'm using my laptop! :) I thought I would just fill you in on what's been happening now.

     1. Musical Theatre ended. I'm really sad. I made a ton of amazing friends. Luckily at least Jean-Luc is going to Canterbury next year, so I'll see him. That's good :) Also our last show was really awesome! I didn't forget any of my lines! aren't you proud of me?!

     2. I bought my grad dress! It's hasn't come yet, it's from Taiwan. I bought it on Etsy at Lovely Melody Clothing, and that seems to have started a phenomenon between my fellow bloggers. I don't know what I've started. I figured I would share a picture, just for my lovely blog followers :)


     3. I have a needle tomorrow! AAAAHHHHHHHHH I'm so afraid of needles. They freak the heck out of me. And the HPV ones hurt especially. I'm so afraid. If anyone wants to comfort me feel free.

     Well I can't think of anything else to talk about right now. I'll keep blogging once I get my laptop back :)

Olivia :)

Friday, 20 April 2012

Interrup-Hi!-tions (Emma's house)

Greetings earthlings,

I wish.

Olivia :)

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Stealing Emma's Ideas (GIF Folder Challenge)

Sorry Emma, you're ideas are so darn awesome :D

First represents who you are

Ninth is how you feel today

Seventh is your taste in music

Fourth is your relationship with your friends

Seventeenth describes your love life

The third is something about you not many people know

Fifteenth is how you act when you're alone

Twentieth is how your day will go for you

Eleventh is how your life will be

Thirteenth is how people see you

Sixth is how you will spend your last day on earth

Second is how you act around the person you're attracted to

 Tenth is how your gender sees you

Sixteenth is how the opposite gender sees you:

Nineteenth is you at your happiest:

Well, some of these were strangely accurate :)

Olivia :D

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Nerd Girl Problems

Greetings earthlings,

     So first off the bat, sorry I didn't post yesterday. I'm still completely determined to complete 365 blog posts by the end of the year though, even if I have to post 40 times on december 31st, I'll do it.

     In other news, POTTERMORE IS FINALLY OUT OF BETA. It only took them 8 months *sigh*. I made an account but I have to wait for my verification e-mail. Once I start playing I'm going to do a review.

     And also, today I found an epic website. It's called Nerd Girl Problems. I'm in love. I also relate to almost all of the posts, so it's exciting. I'm going to just put up a few of my favourite photos now.

Olivia :D

PS- For all the guys that read my blog, there's also a Nerd Boy Problems, I'll link that :)

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Today Bequeth Short

Greetings earthlings,

     Sorry, I haven't blogged since Tuesday. I've been busy with taking sensitivity tests and failing grammar exams and getting bombarded with vague assignments. So don't blame me. Anyways this blog post is short since it's eleven and I'm script writing.

Olivia :P

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Ugliest Photo

Greetings earthlings,

     So, I thought I would blog again today, since my last post was pathetic and I am 17 POSTS BEHIND SCHEDULE!!! Seriously, I'm supposes to be at 101 one right now, and I'm at 82 (83 including this one). So this is very very bad. I suppose my options are to blog 17 times today or spread it out, and to be honest I'm tempted to just do them all today (Although we all know I don't a large enough attention span or enough ideas to fulfill that) So, I'm just gonna blog whenever I can (and you're lucky I'm blogging now, I paused Dance Moms for this)

     Anyways, I thought I would just post some terrible photos of myself I've found on my computer.


     Did you guys seriously think I was going to do that? I look fabulous in every photo! (modest)

     Truthfully though, here's a terrible photo I found of myself.

     Oh. My. Gosh.

What is wrong with me?

Olivia :D

PS- For those of you wondering what happened to all my segments, don't worry. I'm bringing them back really soon :)


Greetings earthlings,

     So we're in Geography class right now. I'm really bored and already done all my work, so naturally I'm blogging.

     Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, by the way. I was soooo busy (Dance Moms/Pocahontas/Chocolate/DDR) So yeah, I didn't.

    In my defense, I did blod three times Sunday, so I feel as if I should be excused.

    Anyways, I really should stop blogging, *sigh*. I'll try and blog again later, I suppose.

Olivia :D


Sunday, 8 April 2012

Interrup-Hi!-tions Terrible Fashion Sense Edition

Greetings earthlings,

     So recently I've been doing a lot of lazing around the house and I really don't want to be wearing jeans all the time, so I starting wearing sweat pants.

     The problem was every time I put on my sweat pants Andrew told me they looked like his and so I stopped wearing them all together.

     Then the other day I found in my drawer a pair of grey sweat pants I had bought a couple months ago. But when I put them on I discovered they were actually...parachute pants.

     Like full on MC Hammer parachute pants.

     Needless to say I'm ecstatic.

     So now I wear them all the time. It's actually amazing. Sometimes I go to the corner store in them and people literally just full on stare at me.

     Here's a pic:

Now I always look like a 1980s one hit wonder!

Olivia :D

PS: Today I went to get milkshakes wearing that outfit, bright red shoes, dangly Easter earrings and a tiara. Needless to say I got a lot of looks. 

Easter Sunday Fun :)

Greetings earthlings,

     Thought I would show you all a photo montage of my day :) Happy Easter everyone! <3

Hope everyone got lots of chocolatteeeeeee nomnomnom

Olivia :D

What has become of me?

Greetings earthlings,

     So it's like 9:00 AM and once again I've gotten almost no sleep, *sigh*. So right now I'm just lying in bed, and I figured I would blog. Because I can. And I'm probably going to wildly regret this later, but I want to tell you guys about my secret obsession...Dance Moms.

     Now, a lot of you probably don't know what Dance Moms is, I didn't either until a couple days ago, so I'm going to explain it to you.

     Think of Toddlers and Tiaras, except the kids are actually talented and the parents aren't the crazy ones, it's the dance coach.

Omigosh, she is insane.

     Basically the show follows these six competitive dancers ages 6-13, and they are so good, like amazing. And their dance teacher is names Abby, and she is crazy. Like, insane. Her reasoning is she's rather make a child cry in the privacy of her studio than and open audition in front of 800 people, and although she's crazy, it actually makes sense.

     But then these kids are SO. GOOD. I can't even describe to you how amazing they are. Here's a clip I found of them dancing. Omigosh amazing.

     This is one of their more fun ones as opposed to some of their crazy dances, because some of them are intense, but that one is my favourite.

     And then this is Maddie doing a solo. I don't even know why Maddie is my favourite, I just really like her. I think she's the best dancer and she's really sweet.

     And there's this drama with the other dance studio, Sugar Apples. They aren't nearly as good as Abby Lee Dance Company but it's really funny because the person who runs Sugar Apples tried to get her daughter into Abby Lee, I'm only on the second episode so I don't know how that turns out, but I'm excited :)

     Anyways, I thought I would share, don't judge me! I really only watch it for the incredible dancing, but the drama is kind of  hilarious :)

Olivia :D

nomnomnom chocolate <3

Saturday, 7 April 2012

DDR Obsession

Greetings earthlings,

     Short blog post today as it is 11: 30 PM and I am in the middle of watching The Little Mermaid. But I thought I would talk to you about DanceDance Revolution

     Okay, so for those of you who don't know, Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR, is a game for Wii and such where you have a mat and then on the screen arrows will appear and you move your feet to the arrows, like this:

And then the mat  looks like this:







What was I talking about again?

Oh right, I'm obsessed with DDR.

Olivia :O



Friday, 6 April 2012

Bullying 2.0

Greetings earthlings,

     This is me trying to catch up on lack of posting.

     Anyways, I while back I made a blog post about bullying on account of it was National Bullying Week. You can find that post here:

     But today I found a song by The Guild (Felicia Day is in it!!) called I'm the one that's cool and I wanted to talk about bullying again. Here's the song:


     Anyways. This song, when I first heard the song I was like "Oh! woah! I totally relate to this!" but then I realized how lucky I was.

     I am a total nerd, just like the people in this video, but unlike them, I really don't get bullied in an extreme way. I mean sure, sometimes people make fun of how dorky I am, but nothing huge. Although I do realize there are people out there who have the same interests as me, that get bullied to an extreme. So it's odd that although I am associated as a nerd, or a dork, or a geek, I am hardly treated like the stereotypical one. 

     There are a few lyrics in the video I want to discuss though, so here we go:

"The latest trend has hit it's peak
They say that geek's becoming chic
So now you're out of style as you can be
And I'm in vogue, so you can bite me"

     I think this is interesting. Although they are saying geek/ nerd/ dork is becoming chic, at my school it's still one of those things looked down upon, and although people are out right bullied for it, it definitely isn't a trend. Maybe we're behind? who knows.

"Try to cop my style but I'm the real thing
While you played sports I played Magic The Gathering
Never earned a part of nerd society
My Aquaman pajamas prove my pedigree"

     This is definitely interesting. There are, although it isn't a trend, some people at my school who are nerd "wannabees" as I call them. As in they wear the popped lens 3D glasses and the weird T-shirts that they think are nerdy and call themselves a nerd. And it's actually really annoying. As the song says, they never earned their part in nerd society.

"You may be tan and fit and rich but you're a t**l
Now I'm the one that's cool
I'm the one that's cool"

     This I also find interesting. There are many people my school who think they're the bees knees just for looking attractive. And maybe people hang out with them, but at the same time. They are generally rude and inconsiderate, it bothers me that they are the socially accepted group.

     Anyways, there's a lyrics dissected/ thoughts of bullying post. I hope you found it interesting. I'm out PEACE!

Olivia :D

Answering Some Questions. Most Notably: WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?!?

Greetings earthlings,

     Well, I suppose I should address the fact I haven't blogged in 9 days (16 if you don't count the insanely small one I made for Sandy). Well, truthfully, I have absolutely no excuse. I was tired? I was on a boycott? I have no answer. All that matters is that I'm back. And today I'm going to answer some questions, questions that I am asking myself and then answering. Maybe some things you were wondering. Who knows? Let's start.

1. Doctor Who or Sherlock?

     Now, this question is a very difficult one, as I like them both very equally. At first I wanted to answer Sherlock, just because of that insanely epic plot twist at the end of Season 2. But the I remembered BOTH insanely huge plot twists in the last season of Doctor Who. And so they are exactly equal. I love them both. (MARRY ME BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH)

2. Favourite Disney Princess?

     Wow, why am I asking myself so many difficult questions? Okay, I'm going to narrow it down. Definitely not Aurora, or Snow, or Cinderella, just because they do absolutely nothing to save themselves and instead wait for their "Prince Charming" to save them. Jasmine is pretty awesome, and not totally dependent on her man to save her. I mean she does try and sneak out of the castle a couple times and at the end she helps Aladdin out a lot, but she is pretty reliant on Aladdin and she could do a lot more for herself. Belle is super pretty and also she sacrifices herself for her father, but at the same time, she makes no attempts to escape (except the time she got attacked by wolves) and the door is FREAKING. UNLOCKED. Then there's Pocahontas. She's a really strong woman and  she totally fights for her land and stuffz but then she FALLS IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY.

Anyways so that leaves Mulan. Mulan is a freaking bad-ass. She totally goes to freaking war to save her father. Pretends to be a man and breaks like a bajillion laws most of which to the consequence is death for, may I add, just to make sure her father doesn't die, and her father doesn't even like her! She's awesome. She's like a warrior princess. My favourite.

3.  Olivia, why the heck are you so obsessed with Disney?

     Well, this is quite the interesting question. I will tell you why I'm so obsessed with Disney.

For one thing, Disney was a huge part of my child hood. I watched Mulan countless times and I loved Lion King and movies like that (Classic Disney) and when I watch Disney I feel little again

Secondly a lot of the Classic Disney collection has awesome morals. So yeah, life lessons.

Also Disney is just insanely amazing. I mean the stories and the music and everything. It's timeless.

4. So Olivia, what is you favourite song and band at the moment?

Well mostly I listen to the Disney soundtrack, (on repeat all day) But when I'm not listening to that I've been really into We The Kings, so anything by them.

Actually funny story, I used to hate We The Kings. Because a couple year ago Emma (Inflatable Furniture and Bubble Wrap) would not stop singing Check Yes Juliet. She would NOT. STOP.

At recess

I'm pretty sure everyone wanted to remove her vocal cords at least once.

But then eventually she stopped and I completely forgot about We The Kings

Fast forward a couple years and I'm on Youtube and then I discover Charles Trippy. He's this Youtuber who does daily vlogs with his wife and stuffz. Anyways he mentioned he was in a band as the bassist and when I looked it up it was We The Kings, which was awesome. So then I listened to their stuff and really liked it the end.

My favourites are Secret Valentine and Say You Like Me

5. Olivia why are you such a nerd/geek/dork?

Very good question.

Well, firstly I didn't really choose it, I just embrace it. I figure if I'm going to be a nerd or a dork or a geek or whatever else you wanna call me, I might as well be it with pride. That's why I joined the nerdfighters and I became a unicorn warrior and I watch Disney all the time. Because I'm gonna be called a nerd/ dork/ geek either way. I used to think it was an insult, but after a while I got used to it and now if someone calls me a nerd/ dork/ geek with the intention of insulting me, I'll smile and say "Thank You" Because I really do take it as a compliment now.

Anyways, there you have it, I'm back. If you want to me do more posts like this one please comment your questions on this post, or on the facebook page, or e-mail me. okay.

Olivia :D