I thought today I would just update you all on a couple of things, as I don't really have the energy to do a "proper" post today.
So, In case you couldn't tell my the subtitle, I was accepted in to Canterbury for drama! WOOT WOOT!
I can't even describe to you how freaking excited I am. I get to go to a school for the arts for four years of my life. In which every single day of the school year I do Drama for and hour and fifteen minutes, plus after school rehearsals and shows, gosh I'm excited.
One of the best parts is all my friends that applied got in, so myself and Natasha and Owen and Maggie and Cameron are all going to school together, which is freaking amazing amazing. Also I'm kind of carrying on the family legacy, as three of the five cousins on my mom's side went to Canterbury, and so did Emma (step-sister Emma, not Emma, Emma) So I feel pretty good about that.
Oh! I forgot to mention possible the best part! I GET TO WEAR SWEAT PANTS EVERY SINGLE DAY! The letter literally told me to wear comfortable clothing, so g'bye skinny jeans, I won't miss you :)
2. Blog-iversary!
So, tomorrow will be my four month blogging anniversary! That's right earthlings, four months of me typing words into a document and then posting said document online for your entertainment. I think I might do something special for that, but I don't know. Is four months a special occasion? Should I get you guys a present? Let me know peeps.
But enough about me, there's an even more special occasion then Olivia's Blog-iversary Eve. That's right people, you heard me, and you're probably wondering, "what day could possible be more special than Blog-iversary Eve?! (Besides Blog-iversary Day of course)" Well I'll tell you: Today is EMMA'S FOUR MONTH ANNIVERSARY!! That's right earthlings...TODAY! Let's all go on to her blog and spam it with Anniversary comments!
(PS - Emma, if you're reading this, I am now officially copyrighting the term Blog-iversary, don't even think about stealing it, you've seen what my unicorns can do when provoked)
So, here in Canada, there's this thing called March Break. Basically we get a week off of school for absolutely no reason except the reason of having a week of school (We don't question it) I'm especially excited for this March Break, and I'll tell you why:
In case you don't know who Sandy is, I wrote a blog post about him a bit ago, and you should check it out, but long story short he's a friend I made on the cruise. AND HE'S COMING TO VISIT I CAN"T WAIT!!
We're gonna go to a ton of museums, like the Art Gallery and the Museum of Nature and maybe Science and Tech. It's gonna be so awesome I can't even imagine.
And he's bringing the Princess Bride <3
4. IT'S GONE!!
This is just a really quick update, but I thought I should let you know Blogger has finally fixed the problem and my blog doesn't look Comic Sans'y anymore, let's take a stroll down memory lane and look at my blog Comic Sans edition:
Okay cool.
5. Facebook Page!
Last thing - I made a Facebook Page for this blog, it's pretty cool actually. I'll post mini updates there and also when I new post is up. Fun fun fun. So of you're looking for some more "inside info" on The Life and Times of Olivia, I suggest you like that page, or don't, whatever.
Olivia :D
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