
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Sorry :(

Greetings earthlings,

     Sorry I've been away for a while. I have excuses. Let's hear them shall we?

Sunday - About a thousand million and one hours of homework plus lunch with my Poppy.

Monday - Ski Club until nine and then homework until midnight.

Tuesday - Valentine's Day with my dad, no internet connection.

       So now that you know why I've been away, I have more bad news for you...

I'm gone for another ten days.

     I'm going on vacation (WOO SO EXCITED OMG) So I won't be able to blog until the 25th. Actually I'll be able to blog tomorrow, and maybe Friday at the hotel if Emma is kind enough to lend me her net book (Don't bet on it) But besides that I'll be in the middle of the ocean and internet will cost one of my vital organs. So when I get back I'll be on regular schedule again (Hurray!) And I'll tell you all about my trip!

     Today I wanted to show you guys the dresses I was bringing with me. If you see this before two o'clock on Thursday, February 16 2012 can you tell me which dress you like the most in the comments? Thanks a ton :)

Okai let me know :) And sorry again :(

Olivia :D

1 comment:

  1. Black with colourful flowers! :) PS: hoping to celebrate your Bday with you when you get back!
