
Thursday, 19 January 2012

New Blog!

Greetings Earthlings.

     I wanted to spend today talking to you all about a blog my friend just created. It's a blog about book reviews called Captain Book (get it? like Captain Hook?)

     Anyways I did all the template designing so maybe you should check it out? It already has one review and if you're the booky time I suggest it

(I am not sponsored my Captain Book or any of his affiliates)

    Short post today, sorry. But I'm going to see BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 3D OMAGOD SO EXCITING I CAN'T WAIT!!!

     I'll blog about that later :)

Here's Ben's blog:

Olivia :D

PS: Ben, if you WANT to sponsor me for this post I'd be cool with that :)


  1. how would I "sponsor you" perhaps?

    Mention your blog in a post of mine?

    1. Oh please Ben, Let's be rational here.

      I need da moolah. The cold hard cash, the cha-ching, dem green paper slips!
